Group Support

Group Programs

Group program content is primarily delivered within small groups (4 to 8 participants), however can be facilitated one-to-one when considered more beneficial. Our group programs primarily focus on social, emotional development and the building of resilience.

The venue for all programs is 12 Sanford Road, Albany.

For further enquiries or to commence enrolment processes, please phone 08 6820 2828 or email

The group programs we currently offer are:

PEERS® Social Skills Development for pre-teens, adolescents and young or older adults

STAR Successful Transitions and Resilience for 8-11- or 12–16-years of age

Cool Kids & Chilled Kids Anxiety Management for 8 -11- or 12–16-years of age

The ALERT Program Self-regulation for 6-9 years of age

EmployABILITY Development of work readiness skills


The PEERS® Social Skills Development Program is an evidenced based social skills intervention program for pre-teens, adolescents, and young and older adults. As related to social and emotional learning, the PEERS® program promotes:

  • Self-awareness of emotional states

  • Self-management of impulses to ensure safe and appropriate expressions of feelings and emotions

  • Personal strengths and challenges

  • Positive self-belief and confidence

  • Social awareness - the capacity to relate to the experiences of others [empathy building]

  • Relationship skills – the capacity to manage/resolve interpersonal conflict and be cooperative so as to be able to establish and maintain healthy satisfying friendships and relationships.

We facilitate the PEERS® Program for 4 age groupings:

Can Do Albany would like to acknowledge the contribution of Rotary Club of Albany City to PEERS® Program Support Albany

The ALERT Self-Regulation Program 

Children aged 6 to 9 years (8 x 1-hour sessions)

Program objective is to understand sensory influences and other stressors over a child’s arousal states as they relate to attention, learning and behaviour. Using the idea of a car engine (how is your engine running?), children are helped to monitor, maintain, and change their level of alertness so that it is appropriate to a situation or task. Parents and caregivers are supported to understand the types of stressors impacting on a child’s capacity to feel safe and self-regulate.

When considered beneficial, the content of the ALERT Program can be delivered in a one-to-one setting.

Participation cost is dependent on group size. Please ask for details.

Cool Kids and Chilled Kids
Worry/Anxiety Management

Cool Kids (Children aged 8-11 years)

Chilled Kids (Children aged 12-16 years)

Cool Kids and Chilled Kids are structured, skills-based programs that teaches children how to better manage worry and anxiety. The programs also encourage the involvement of a parent/caregiver and focuses on teaching clear and practical skills across topics such as: learning about feelings and anxiety; detective thinking, learning to think more realistically; fighting fear; problem-solving; and building assertiveness.

When considered beneficial, the content of the Cool Kids and Chilled Kids programs can be delivered in a one-to-one setting.

Participation cost is dependent on group size. Please ask for details.

STAR Successful Transition and Resilience

Children 10 - 13 years or 14 – 17 years (16 x 1.5-hour sessions)

Program supports a child or young person to develop a capacity to successfully undertake a range of life transitions such as transitioning form Primary School to High School, from school to further study or employment.  and to understand and meet age-related developmental tasks such as: adjusting to mature bodies and feelings; establishing key aspects of personal identity (including a positive sense of self); enhancing capacity to manage change and loss, risk-taking and the coping with consequences; choosing to be respectful in relationships; and developing and applying new coping skills in areas such as decision making, problem solving and conflict resolution.

Resilience is the ability to deal effectively with challenges in life and bounce back from difficulties, loss, and disappointment. A resilient child is described as one who can learn well, play, and socialise well, expects well, and loves well. This program helps children develop resilient thinking and healthy attitudes, positive self-belief, and skills to manage stress and other problems. Enhanced social skills and self-regulation are also expected outcomes.

Targets children and young people who would benefit from support to manage a range of common life transitions such as transitioning from primary school to Middle School, adolescence, blending of families, and movement within friendship groups.

When considered beneficial, the content of the STAR program can be delivered in a one-to-one setting.

Participation cost is dependent on group size. Please ask for details.


Anyone seeking to develop their work readiness skills.

This employment readiness skills program aims to assist individuals in their transition from school into the workforce. The program supports the learning and practice of personal and interpersonal skills that are transferable across all fields of employment.  The tools learned help build self-confidence and a capacity to engage in further training and development in the workplace.

Topics covered in the program include the personal attributes of loyalty, commitment, honesty and integrity, enthusiasm and reliability, personal presentation, commonsense, positive self-esteem, sense of humour, ability to deal with pressure, motivation, adaptability and achieving a balance between work and personal life.

Other work-related topics include communication skills, problem solving, teamwork, time management and planning and organising.

The EmployABILITY Program can be delivered in either a group setting or in a one-to-one setting. Participation cost is dependent on group size. Please ask for details,

10 x 1.5 hour sessions